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Repeat Sentence Questions in PTE Speaking

Learn about Repeat sentence questions in PTE speaking with an overview, recommended strategy and practice questions.

by Tim Martyn

students doing an exam


Repeat sentence questions test your ability to understand and remember a sentence that you hear, and then repeat it exactly as you hear it using correct pronunciation.

Here are some key points about Repeat sentence questions:

  • They assess both speaking and listening skills.
  • The recordings are approximately 3–9 seconds in length.
  • Each recording is played once only.
  • You’ll have 15 seconds to record your response.
  • Partial credit scoring applies.
  • You’ll answer 10–12 Repeat sentence questions in the speaking test.

Example question

Here’s an example Repeat sentence question related to the topic of exams.

You can try this question in the practice section.

You will hear a sentence. Please repeat the sentence exactly as you hear it. You will hear the sentence only once.

Scoring criteria

There are three scoring criteria for Repeat sentence questions.

Criterion What does this mean?
Content Have you included all of the words from the sentence in your response (and not added any others)?
Oral fluency Do you speak smoothly, easily and at a natural speed?
Pronunciation Do you produce speech sounds correctly/appropriately?

NOTE: Regional and national varieties of English pronunciation are understood and accepted.

Practice questions

Now it’s your turn to practise. Try the Repeat sentence questions below using the strategy outlined above.

Question 1

You will hear a sentence. Please repeat the sentence exactly as you hear it. You will hear the sentence only once.


Click below for the transcript.

Students must follow all instructions given by exam supervisors.

Question 2

You will hear a sentence. Please repeat the sentence exactly as you hear it. You will hear the sentence only once.


Click below for the transcript.

Please place all personal belongings under your desk.

Question 3

You will hear a sentence. Please repeat the sentence exactly as you hear it. You will hear the sentence only once.


Click below for the transcript.

You are not permitted to leave the exam room during the final 15 minutes of the exam.