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Overview of the TOEFL Test

Start your TOEFL preparation with an overview of each part of the test: reading, listening, speaking and writing.

by Tim Martyn

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Here are some key points about reading in the TOEFL test:

  • There are 2 reading passages and 20 questions in total (10 per passage).
  • Each passage is approximately 700 words in length.
  • The reading section takes approximately 35 minutes to complete.
  • The passages are taken from university-level textbooks. They’re the sort you might expect to find in an introduction to a discipline or topic.
  • A glossary feature is available to help you understand words that aren’t commonly used.

A variety of question types are used.

Reading question types
Factual information
Negative factual information
Sentence simplification
Rhetorical purpose
Insert text
Prose summary


Here are some key points about listening in the TOEFL test:

  • There are 2 types of listening material used: lectures and conversations.
  • You’ll answer 28 questions in total.
  • The listening section takes approximately 36 minutes to complete.
  • You hear each listening passage once only.
  • Pictures are used with each recording to help you understand the setting.
  • You can take notes throughout the listening section.

Here’s an overview of the 2 types of listening material used.

Type Length Number of questions
Lecture (3 per test) 4–5 minutes per lecture 6 per lecture
Conversation (2 per test) approx. 3 minutes per conversation 5 per conversation

A variety of question types are used.

Listening question types
Connecting content


Here are some key points about speaking in the TOEFL test:

  • There are 4 tasks: 1 independent speaking task and 3 integrated speaking tasks.
  • The speaking section takes approximately 16 minutes to complete.
  • You record your speaking responses using a microphone – there’s no human examiner present.
  • AI scoring and certified human raters are both used to score your responses.

Here’s an overview of the various tasks.

Name Type Input material Preparation time Speaking time
Question 1 Independent Question prompt 15 seconds 45 seconds
Question 2 Integrated Read a passage and listen to a conversation (campus-related topic) 30 seconds 60 seconds
Question 3 Integrated Read a passage and listen to part of a lecture (academic subject) 30 seconds 60 seconds
Question 4 Integrated Listen to part of a lecture (academic subject) 20 seconds 60 seconds

Assessment criteria:

  • Delivery
  • Language use
  • Topic development


Here are some key points about writing in the TOEFL test:

  • There are 2 tasks: the Integrated writing task and the Writing for an academic discussion task.
  • The writing section takes approximately 29 minutes to complete not including reading and listening time.
  • AI scoring and certified human raters are both used to score your responses.

Here’s an overview of Task 1.

Name Input material Writing time Recommended length
Integrated writing Read a passage and listen to a short lecture 20 minutes 150–225 words

Here’s an overview of Task 2.

Name Input material Writing time Recommended length
Writing for an academic discussion Discussion board with a question from a professor and responses from other students 10 minutes At least 100 words